The project “Make a wish – prevention of institutionalization” is a kind of continuation of the project “Make a wish – women’s employment program”, which was carried out by the Feričanci Entrepreneurial Local Association for Consulting on two occasions.
As in previous years we were faced with the poor employment of older women and their unfavorable position on the labor market, our society has recently been faced with the poor position of the elderly population. An increasing number of elderly and infirm persons, as well as persons with disabilities, are in a very difficult situation. They live alone, are hardly mobile, sick and socially excluded from society. Therefore, the goal of this project is to prevent the institutionalization of elderly and disabled people by providing comprehensive and adapted assistance in their own homes.
Home care workers will be employed who will provide assistance through the organization of visits, encourage social interactions and help prevent feelings of loneliness so that our users maintain their dignity and autonomy in a familiar environment.

Name of the project: Make a wish and help the people of Feričan II
Project contract number: SF.
Project program: Effective human resources 2021-2027. Prevention of institutionalization
Fund: European Social Fund
Carrier: Entrepreneurial local association for consultation Feričanci
Project partners: Municipality of Feričanci
Project implementation period: from March 18, 2024. until 18.11.2026.
Total value of project: 1,440,000.00 euros
Co-financing of project: 85% from the European Social Fund, and 15% from the state budget of the Republic of Croatia
Objective and expected results of the project:
The goal of this project is to improve the quality of life of the end users, that is, the elderly and people in a disadvantaged position, by providing them with support and making their everyday life easier. Also, the project enabled access to the labor market for 30 women, for a period of 30 months, and provided assistance to 180 end users.
The daily life of our employees and users
The daily life of our employees and users Pictures of some of our employees performing their daily activities with end users. In their regular visits,